
Below are a reminder of some of the HOA rules that help keep the community looking great.

  • Garbage should be put out after 6PM on the night before garbage pick-up.
    If you have an aid that does it for you it is okay for the aid to put it at the curb before he/she leaves your home.
  • Do not put yard clippings in the rain gutters. Clippings should be put in a bag and placed at the curb for a Wednesday pick-up. Putting clipping on the swale looks unsightly and may not be picked up by the garbage service.
  • Any bulk items that you want to dispose of should be placed at the curb on Wednesday or Saturday. The Tuesday night after 6PM is fine.
  • If you are planning the removal or planting of bushes you must get an ARB approved by the Board. If you don’t you may be asked to remove them. If there are any dead bushes or plants that you added you must have them removed. If you don’t the HOA will have them removed and send you the bill.
  • If you are going away whether for a vacation or for the summer you must take in any flower pots of other objects the can become air borne in a storm or hurricane.
    We have been very lucky over the past several years and have not had severe storms but it is just a matter of time until we do. We have had it happen in the past where a flower pot broke a window. If it doesn’t hit your home it could hit a neighbor’s.
  • We love that you plant flowers (annuals) in your garden but before you head north for the summer you must have them removed. They will not live over the hot summer and become unsightly once they die.
  • Recently you voted to require your garage light to be on after dusk. Many of you are complying and we thank you for that but some of you are not. This is not for aesthetic reasons but for safety reasons. If you ask any sheriff they will tell you the best deterrent to crime is a light bulb. It costs pennies a month to help keep your home safer.
  • Your garage door should be closed unless you are working in there.

As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to call any Board member.